Stable Nix

When using stable Nix, we have a couple options for installing catppuccin/nix

With npins

npins provides a way to easily "pin" and update external dependencies for your configurations.

Assuming you have followed their getting started guide, you can run the following:

npins add --name catppuccin github catppuccin nix

And in your system configuration:

  sources = import ./npins;
  imports = [
    (sources.catppuccin + "/modules/nixos")

  # if you use home-manager
  home-manager.users.pepperjack = {
    imports = [
      (sources.catppuccin + "/modules/home-manager")

or if you use a standalone installation of home-manager

  sources = import ./npins.nix;
  imports = [
    (sources.catppuccin + "/modules/home-manager")

  home.username = "pepperjack";
  programs.home-manager.enable = true;

With channels

Nix channels provide a way for you to easily download, update, and use our modules -- though at the cost of reproducibility across machines.

To add catppuccin/nix as a channel, you can run the following:

sudo nix-channel --add catppuccin
sudo nix-channel --update

And in your system configuration:

  imports = [

  # if you use home-manager
  home-manager.users.pepperjack = {
    imports = [

or if you use a standalone installation of home-manager

  imports = [

  home.username = "pepperjack";
  programs.home-manager.enable = true;